Ok so the other day I was talking to a woman at the gym and we started comparing locker room stories. Oh dear, I guess I'm not the only one that has seen more than I wanted to in the locker room. I share this only to give you pause should you be as free as some with your nakedness. You see where this is leading ... so avert your eyes or read on at your own peril.
Years ago I was sitting in a steam room on the bottom step minding my own business when this older lady came in with a towel on. She proceeded to take her towel off her body and lay it on the bench on the step directly above my head (well a little to the right). Then she moved her naked body to sit on the towel and I kid you not, sprawl her legs out like no bodies business - yes certainly not any of my business. I was confronted with parts that not only she could see herself without a mirror. Good God woman did you really do that? I did NOT want to see all that. The friend I was talking to in the gym had a similar story of a patron putting lotion on in the public area while completely naked and having to bend in ways that, yes, exposed all her regions to everyone in sight. Now, please, I don't care if you are an 80 year old person or a twenty something super model - we do NOT to see that much of your business. I implore you to show some consideration for the people around you when you are naked. I am not in any way anti naked. In fact, I love to be naked. I love walking around in the spa with just my robe on and have no shame transitioning from the jacuzzi to grab my towel while completely naked (sorry TMI). In fact, ok probably again TMI but I actually feel a little uncomfortable with a swim suit on in an all female private jacuzzi. What a waste to get my suit wet for a 10 minute dip in the warm water. BUT (and I do use that word lightly) please consider a little bit of modesty while you are naked. Same thoughts go for the men out there. I'm not sure what it's like hanging out (pun intended) in the men's locker room but I'm sure there are ways to be modest there too. Show a little consideration for your neighbor people. Now, I must ad, please, please, please forgive me if I sound judgmental. I do not mean to be. I'm just expressing this observation to give you a little perspective, a little "awareness" as you will, of the people around you.
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I have a very clear memory from when I was a little girl around 7 or 8 years old running around in the front yard barefoot. Oh how I loved to go barefoot. But this one day in particular I stepped in a pile of fresh warm dog poop. Yes, oozing through my toes fresh. GROSS! But I still remember my dad carrying me through the house to the bathroom to help me clean it off. Without stepping in that mess I would not have had the chance to feel my dad carrying me. I still can feel his strong arms around me. Of course, he had carried me a million times but this one was particularly special. I would not have that memory now if not for that pile of poop.
We've all had our moments where we may have felt the horror of "stepping in it". Maybe it's waking up one day and realizing you hate your job, maybe you go to put that dress on and you can't zip it up, maybe it's waking up one morning and realizing you unintentionally said something hurtful to a friend the night before. You can always clean off the mess. You can always change your situation, whether you leave that job or just change your attitude about it. The solution is different in every case but please know you can change it! Maybe that dress being too tight is a wake up call. It's not the worst day of your life, it's a gift of knowledge, of much needed awareness. Wow what happened there? How did this happen? Didn't I just wear this dress a year ago? I don't remember these shirt buttons being pulled across my belly like this, what the heck? Oops, I haven't been paying attention to my body changing but I can START NOW. Clean it off! Get rid of that feeling. Make a fresh start - and I mean "fresh" in a good way this time. Don't ignore the problem, move forward and fix the problem, learn from the problem. One of my favorite things to do is re-read those adorable "I Am" poems that my kids have done over the years. They still bring tears to my eyes when I read stuff like "I Am from Tamales, I Am from books, I Am from Love". I guess one of my lines is "I Am from dog poop". Thank you Dad - I love and miss you every day! Don't wait for life to pass you by. Don't regret not being able to climb those stairs, run after that ball, jump over those toys or run that marathon. Gain the strength, flexibility and stamina you need to get through life - make it to the top of the bleachers at that football game, walk that 18 hole golf course with confidence, walk across the beach without hiding behind that towel.
"START" can have a different meaning for everyone. You don't have to go out and join a gym right this minute. These are all great ways to "start" if you are not ready to go "all in" yet: * buy more vegies at the market today * pass up that donut in the break room today * don't drink so many "diet" sodas today * park your car across the parking lot so you need to walk further today * take the stairs instead of the elevator today * be honest with yourself - wake up and figure it out today * look in the mirror and tell yourself you are worth the effort today You got this!! Did I say today? My training style is very efficient, very straight forward, down to business but FUN at the same time. I am certified in a strength based science but like to incorporate yoga and pilates style moves into your workout too. I like to vary the workouts so you don't get bored but I ensure you are solid in the basics before we move on. Some days you may be on FIRE and other days your energy is down - we will adjust, no worries! You will always be glad you made the effort! I like to teach you how to do the exercises in a way that you can actually do them without me during the week. Yes, I know - not such a good business model but I want you to take responsibility for your success. You will get homework! I will not charge you for watching you on a treadmill, I won't just visit with you while you run laps - I encourage you to get extra cardio done on your own steam - but I will be in contact with you to help motivate you to do so. During a workout with me you will work muscles you forgot you had, some days you will sweat, other days you may curse, every day you will laugh - you are going to love/hate every minute of it! You will stand taller, move with more intention and carry a smile of pride through your week.
Let's make our time together as beneficial as possible! Go grab it! Life is here for the taking. Get in better shape NOW. Don't wait til you fit into that new gym outfit, don't wait til that t-shirt fits better. If you can't touch your toes now don't worry - you will if you start now. Life is too short to let it slip away. We only have one shot at it. Your body is here to carry you for many, many years - don't neglect it. It's not about perfection - it's about confidence and happiness.
Whether you want to be able to stand on one leg for one minute without shaking or do a handstand. We will figure it out together and get you there. Balance is so key to all your movements. Watch out for that curb, hop over that chain to get to the beach path, recover from stepping on that lego.
You can do this thing!!!!! Make every move count, engage your core, your abs, your glutes. Whether you are working with free weights or trying to move your sofa. Do it safely, do it with strength, do it with intention.
Couldn't resist that chocolate? Forgive yourself and move on. Stuff happens, just get back on track.
AuthorMaria Humphreys is a meditation expert, personal trainer, mom and wife. Archives
February 2024
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